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Corporate culture

Our Customers are the most important factors of our daily activities. It is our duty to fulfill their needs efficiently and to offer complete solutions to their problems. This of course means that we are totally aware of and focused on our customers.

Our Staff is our greatest asset. Therefore, training and continuous education have highest priority. All employees are using their knowledge to the benefit of our customers.

Solution Partners are manufacturers of machinery, materials, substrates, application equipment, serving the same industry we supply. The exchange of ideas and experience in regard to research and development activities, product application, as well as co-operative efforts between us, will lead to improved and new practical assembly methods. All customers will benefit from these efforts.

Production Reliability means for us: continuous optimization of our manufacturing processes, constant increase in equipment and workplace safety, and safeguarding availability of raw materials and machinery.

Our Quality Awareness is a continuous internal and external process of development. "Total Quality Management" implies optimization of internal procedures, prevention of mistakes, exceptional product quality and "on time" delivery.

Our Environmental Responsibility is aimed at developing new concepts of lasting value. It extends to the protection of natural resources, use of environmentally safe production methods, prevention of emissions, and competent environmental information for our customers.

Our Potential for Innovation allows us to be the spearhead in research and development and adhesive application technologies for all product segments and industrial areas in which we operate.

Global is our market, global is our strategy. This includes sales activities, direct sales organizations, and associations around the world. The global marketplace has become part of our enterprise since we focus on what we do best.